This winter has been an eternally repeating interior monologue. Here are some of the snippets, a window into my mind over the last few months:

“Your job is a means to an end”

“You are going travelling soon, hang in there”

“Eating half a kilo of meat in one sitting may be enjoyable but is it a worthwhile use of your time?”

All very valid points from the voice in my head. However, when you’re tentatively grasping at the monotony of adult life, solely for the purpose of future happiness, the present feels a little worthless. This is why I’ve tried to make my days off count. Whether it be “research” for my in depth analysis on the pub scene in Salisbury, or walks with my mum at the weekend, I’ve kept myself busy.

In this post, much like my ‘Home photography‘ and ‘The Not so New Forest‘ posts, I want to share some photos that show off the beauty of my home county. Winter is finally giving the reigns over to spring and so the winter of discontent 3.0 comes to a close. (This winter of discontent doesn’t have Shakespeare prattling on about something or other and it doesn’t have trade unions complaining about pay. Instead it’s just me feeling sorry for myself and taking photos; a more introspective winter of discontent).

Sunset on the coast
Sunset pier
Dark clouds with shafts of light
Mushrooms on a log

Mushrooms on a log

Rolling green hills
English countryside
Horse riding silhouette
Winter snow in the forest

Standing in the snow, winter 2019
Log in the snow
Portrait photo of prayer

Salisbury Cathedral

Desolate beach in winter

Misty beach in winter

Surfing Bournemouth beach

Surfing bournemouth beach

Old shed black and white with graffiti
Sunset reflection in river
Sunset in winter
Reflection of a tree at sunset
ghostly silhouettes of swans
Black and white portrait in a field
Shifting sand dunes by the sea
Crashing waves and foam
Crashing waves winter
Sea foam and waves in winter


Hope you liked the photos, if you have a favourite photo or a question drop a comment below, if not I guess you can go on your merry way. Continue with you day. It’s as if this didn’t happen. Our little secret.

This should be my final post before Brendan and I head off for a few months, first stop Uzbekistan. Oh Jesus Christ, I need to learn some Russian… If you want to stay up to date with our adventures through Uzbekistan and many more countries then subscribe (at the bottom of any page/post) to get an email notification when I post next.

До свида́ния!

Yes I just looked that up. I’m so unprepared. Help.

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  1. Pingback: Geology, as it turns out, doesn’t actually rock - Wishing for Wilderness

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