If the highest density of KFCs of any country in the world doesn’t intrigue and entice you to this amazing island and its little brother Tobago, then I’m not sure what will. However, I’ll try to give a flavour of the other draws to Trinidad just in case.
The Bamboo Cathedral
I’ve experienced my fair share of cathedrals (Salisbury being the “big daddy” and the architectural home of my soul), and I’ve also seen a little bit of bamboo before but never have the two been combined.
My dad, Brendan and I were out for an explore and after pulling over at the side of the road we headed straight off into the bamboo we had been promised. The path lead directly through an archway of bamboo trees (this was, as it turned out, the cathedral). As the wind moved through their towering tubular structures, the forest creaked and occasionally echoed with the crash of a falling stem. However, expecting more than this mostly disorganised jumble of trees, we decided to go up the steep and winding tarmac road, hoping that we could find a more impressive bamboo cathedral. It turned out the top was a little further than we expected and soon we were sweating so much that I was certain I would soon shrivel into a withered prune of a man. Eventually after conquering the hill in the humidity and midday heat, we had emerged from the bamboo and reached an old abandoned satellite dish with some surrounding buildings. We explored the buildings and dish but were deterred from going deep into the rusting structures by the hornet nests that occupied every building. I’m sure Brendan would’ve nosed around in those buildings unfazed by the possibility of an airborne attack, but unfortunately I have picked up my Dad’s rage where flying insects are concerned and so to avoid an angry and hasty exit from the site, we decided to retreat.
While we only came for the bamboo cathedral (which was a little disappointing) we ended up finding the impressive satellite dish out of pure idle curiosity of what could be up the hill. Spontaneity and sweat, that’s the fuel of champions.

If you don’t visit here it’d be a missed steak
If you are a lover of various areas of musculature from animals like me, or even someone who enjoys tucking into green garden items, then Texas de Brazil is the place for you. I’ve never had a food experience quite like it. Located in MovieTowne Boulevard in Port of Spain, it was a paradise on earth.
Firstly, there was an enormous salad bar with cheeses, cold meats and of course salad items. Most importantly, however, was the meat. The waiters constantly moved from table to table with enormous skewers of various meats all cooked differently. Each table was given a card which was red on one side and green on the other, if the green side was up the waiters would approach. When they came around it was up to you to order whatever you wanted in whatever quantity you wanted it. Eight chicken parmesan, ten beef medallions and a steak? No problem. The meats were carved from the skewer at your table and they were incredible. In between the many plates of food, they would bring us these sweet soft banana things to cleanse our palates. To have free rein of all on offer the price was 325 Trinidad Dollars and it was worth every damn penny.
No photos were taken here because I was pretty preoccupied consuming my bodyweight in meat. I think my unwavering love of meat can be expressed only in Nick Offerman’s wise teachings: “I will submit to fruit and zucchini, yes with gusto, so that my steak-eating machine will continue to masticate delicious charred flesh at optimal running speed.”
Final thoughts
I’m afraid you’ll have to leave your full camouflage outfit at home for this trip because all camouflage items (no matter the colour) are banned on both islands. Although if you’re camouflaged well enough then I’m sure customs won’t be any trouble for you. Also, minor point about gang crime, you should probably check the areas of the city that are safe to go to before visiting. Don’t let this deter you though, Trinidad is a big island with lots to do and lots to eat. Whether it be the dining experience of Texas de Brazil, or the eating out of a bucket like a human horse style KFC experience, get involved in the island life.